14 Dec

A special one 🎃. This is the Evil Pumpkin Ghazala serial 001 and it goes to a special & legendary person: Reed Ghazala who’s name you can see on every pedal.

When I was building this unit I couldn’t have imagined there was such a probability at all, even the slightest chance. And now this is a reality.

I am very grateful to our subscriber and good friend Eric who brought the Evil Pumpkin to the attention of Reed. Reed liked the idea and made a post about the Evil Pumpkin on his FB page, we connected, chatted, and rest is history.

Prior to its departure, I made a couple of macros of 001 to capture the moment and to have a memory of how these very first units were made: early design pcbs with lots of wire.

Fun fact: the wire hasn’t been colour coded and I used tags made of tape with numbers written on them in order to assemble this thing right. That was a crazy thing to do and I wonder where did I get all the energy and dedication from to build those pedals the way I did.

I am absolutely chuffed to bits to be sending our 001 Ghazala unit to the man himself - this completely blows my mind - and I am thanking Eric, Reed and the Universe for this happening.