It’s been a long way, more than a year since the original release, but here it is: the updated SHSL (So High So Low) pedal.
The refreshed version maintains all the features of the v1, including the high pass and low pass resonant ms-20 filters & Moogerfooger preamp but also has been improved in many areas: from the circuit & components selection to the looks.
SHSL will be available in 6 color variations at launch & each will have its unique touches. I tried to reproduce the looks of the vintage studio and test equipment and hope you will dig them.
What you see here is an Evil Pumpkin scheme (which reminds me of a submarine gear) and an all black scheme derived from an old US radio booth (at least this is how I imagine it).
We have successfully built the first prerelease run which is to depart soon to the review guys and dealers. The main drop is scheduled for the mid-end February (we will post the updates here and via the mailing list).
The last but not least - I am working on our own EU based dealership which is at the stage of an experiment yet. I think we will have some SHSL pedals available via it to test and trial how it works for you and us.
So stay tuned, we are working hard here to bring more surprises soon!